[BangPypers] Fwd: [JOB] Project on FOSS adoption in Indian education

srinivasa rao srinivasaenergy at gmail.com
Thu May 7 09:40:28 CEST 2009

I am interested work on python @iitb may i know when shall i expecting to
apply please sent me few more details .
thanking you
yours truly
srinivasa rao

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Vivek Khurana <hiddenharmony at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi! All,
> Few FOSS based python jobs in IIT Bombay. Please forward to anyone
> interested.
> regards
> Vivek
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Hi,
> I've been sending out the following announcement on a few mailing lists I
> know of.  I'd appreciate it *very much* if you could kindly forward this
> along to any individuals or to other mailing lists of interest. Many thanks!
> regards,
> prabhu
> Hello,
> Project positions are open at IIT Bombay for a new government funded
> project on adoption of Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) in Indian
> science and engineering education.  Applicants may email their resumes
> along with a one page writeup on why they think they are well suited for
> the project to:
>    admin.foss[at]iitb.ac.in
> News, announcements and details regarding the project are available here:
>  http://www.aero.iitb.ac.in/~prabhu/Projects/FOSSEducation<http://www.aero.iitb.ac.in/%7Eprabhu/Projects/FOSSEducation>
> Overview of the project
> -----------------------
> The eventual goal is to replace the use of commercial tools in Indian
> science and engineering education at the college level.  Towards this we
> are working on the following broad themes:
>  - Python for scientific computing.
>  - Scilab (http://www.scilab.org, http://www.scilab.in).
>  - Multimedia authoring tool suited for Indian languages with a LaTeX
>   backend.
>  - Other projects related to the above.
> I will be personally involved with the "Python for scientific computing"
> component.  This will broadly involve:
>    - NumPy (http://numpy.scipy.org),
>    - SciPy (http://www.scipy.org),
>    - matplotlib (http://matplotlib.sf.net),
>    - Sage (http://www.sagemath.org),
>    - Mayavi (http://code.enthought.com/projects/mayavi),
>    - ETS (http://code.enthought.com/projects),
>    - SymPy (http://code.google.com/p/sympy),
> and various other packages of interest.
> As part of the project you will have opportunity to work with the core
> developers of these major projects.
> Requirements
> ------------
> The positions are all for a maximum duration of 3 years.  The initial
> appointment will be for a period of 1 year which will be extended based
> on performance.
>    - Project manager: 1 position
>    - Technical writer: 1 position
>    - Software Developers/content generators:
>        - Python: 4 positions
>        - Scilab: 3 positions
>        - LaTeX: 2 positions
> You will need to stay on campus or commute to IITB.  Accommodation will
> be provided if available, otherwise HRA will be provided.
> Qualifications
> ---------------
> Project manager:
>    - Good knowledge of programming and open source software community
>    - People management
>    - Communication
>    - Organizational skills
> Technical writer:
>    - Excellent language and communication skills (spoken and written)
>    - Familiarity with computers
>    - Willingness to learn
> Programmers/content generators:
>    - Willingness to learn
>    - Good programming skills
>    - Passion for FOSS
>    - Experience with FOSS
>    - Good math and science skills
> System administration and web development skills are also required so
> strong applications with those skills would also be considered.
> Experience with Python/Scilab/LaTeX is a plus.  Experience with working
> on a FOSS project is a big plus.
> Job description
> ---------------
> As part of this project you will work towards creating material for
> adoption of the various existing FOSS tools in the science and
> engineering curriculum.  This will involve generation of a significant
> amount of documentation in the form of tutorials, audio/video
> demonstrations, written material, and lectures.  The material will often
> go towards augmenting existing courses.  The project will involve
> working with several well known packages and improving them both in
> terms of documentation and code to add features or fix bugs.
> We will be hosting several workshops, sprints and conferences where you
> will get to meet the developers of many important packages.
> Remuneration
> -------------
> The pay will be in the range Rs. 10000 to 30000 depending on the
> qualifications and experience.  For extra-ordinary people the upper limit
> is flexible.  Accommodation will be provided on campus if available.
> Why you should apply
> --------------------
>    - You get paid to improve and write FOSS.
>    - You get to do really meaningful work -- your work will influence
>      generations of future students all over India and potentially
>      elsewhere.
>    - You get to work on some of the most important projects that will
>      influence the future of science and engineering.
>    - You get to meet and work with the authors of various important
>      packages.
>    - You will be at IIT Bombay and will have best of both worlds --
>      good pay and an academic environment.
> Thanks.
> Prabhu Ramachandran                 http://www.aero.iitb.ac.in/~prabhu<http://www.aero.iitb.ac.in/%7Eprabhu>
> --
> The hidden harmony is better than the obvious!!
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