[BangPypers] PyCon India IRC Dicussion #2

Parthan SR parth.technofreak at gmail.com
Fri Mar 13 13:53:51 CET 2009

Hi all,

The second round of discussion happened at #bangpypers on 12th March 
2009 between 9.00 - 9.45 PM. Unlike last week, the attendance was quite 
low this time, especially the big shots missing from the scene. Hence we 
just reviewed certain things
which got concluded during the last meeting. Following is a quick MoM 
for yesterday's meeting,

[1] Structure of the Conference
* should be a mixture of all tracks/types on all 3 days. The prior idea 
that each day to be of a type doesn't seem good
* tracks should typically be web development, system programming and 
desktop application development
* CfP needs to be finalized and sent out as soon as possible
* lawgon announced that the conference app is almost done. Ramakrishna 
requested feature to vote and discuss on submitted abstracts to be made 
available in the app. Once it is done, we will evaluate it for further 

[2] Possible Venues (listed by Ramakrishna)
* IISc
* St. Josephs
* Christ College
We need volunteers to approach these probable venues and find out about 
availability, before next meeting.

We also decided to fix constant day and timings for IRC meets from now. 
As certain people are not available during night hours, we will have an 
extended discussion time, followed by a one hour meeting time. People 
who are not able to attend the meeting can discuss during the day time 
and their points will be raised during the meeting by the moderator. 
What say?

With Regards,
Parthan SR "technofreak"

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