[BangPypers] how to learn programming

prasanna diwadkar pdiwadkar at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 24 07:13:09 CET 2009

That  was the observation made by professors.I won't say C/c++ will make better programmer than say java/Python but c\c++ programming will make one aware of many things you mentioned than working in Python/java.
--- On Fri, 1/23/09, Sridhar Ratnakumar <sridhar.ratna at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Sridhar Ratnakumar <sridhar.ratna at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [BangPypers] how to learn programming
To: "Bangalore Python Users Group - India" <bangpypers at python.org>
Date: Friday, January 23, 2009, 11:38 AM

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 7:22 AM, prasanna diwadkar <pdiwadkar at yahoo.com>
> I was talking in general.I am not saying python/java programmers are
> quality than C/C++ .Ultimately programming is a programming is a
> programming.
> Since 80s to late 90s many Indian/foreign(US etc) have been teaching
> programming in C/C++.When I talked to 2 ex-professors in India,they
> that the rigor when students go through using c/++ is higher than
> java/python.For.e.g.manipulation of linked list,hash table.IMO better
> programming is not just understaning the layers of abstraction but
> understanding some intracacies,what goes below the hood.

Are you suggesting that because a programmer is adept in manipulating
memory, pointers, arrays and structures like lists, hash table, stack,
queue he becomes better in problem solving (from solving an
algorithmic problem to a real-world problem) than a programmer who is
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