[BangPypers] volunteering for pycon india '09

Sachidanand Swami iitswami at gmail.com
Sun Aug 16 18:26:39 CEST 2009

Dear Friends,

I am swanin.  I am new member of this community but I am not in Bangalore.

I am working on Interaction Design Projects in IIT Delhi and leading team
"Sparsh".  We want good participation of python Coders in our new projects

@ Noufal,Anirudh Asokan
If you people need some help  or some thing from Delhi for this meeting in
Banglore, Please let me know, so that I can help from my end.

Looking forward.


PM:I am sorry, i will not able to show my presence  during the event.

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 10:36 PM, Noufal Ibrahim <noufal at gmail.com> wrote:

> 2009/8/15 ۞ ДЙіЯטĐђ дşσқди ۞ ™ <anirudh.asokan at gmail.com>:
> > hey ppl,
> >   I am Anirudh Asokan, an undergraduate student. I am very excited about
> the
> > event and would like to offer my help. My house is pretty close to the
> > venue, maybe I can be of any help during the preparations preceding the
> > event (arrangment, setting up banners, folding t-shirts etc).
> That would be excellent Anirudh. We always need a lot of hands at the
> actual venue.
> There will be tons of things to do from manning the registration desk
> to being session chairs to generally helping the delegates etc.
> You have no idea how much I appreciate your gesture. :)
> BTW, another thing that occurs to me is whether you know of any places
> there where delegates from outside B'lore can stay? Cheap lodges,
> people living in rented houses than can help out etc.? That would be
> useful as well.
> I look forward to seeing you there.
> --
> ~noufal
> http://nibrahim.net.in
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