[BangPypers] One python question (from verilog)

Pradeep Gowda pradeep at btbytes.com
Sat Sep 20 02:44:41 CEST 2008

The syntax looks familiar, almost python like.
The equivalent python code would be*:

def poll_reg(bit_pos, poll_val, reg_offset):
     matched = 0
	while matched != 1:
		read_data = read_reg(reg_offset)
		if read_data[bit_pos] === poll_val:
			matched = 1
			matched = 0
	return matched

* Implementing read_reg is left as an exercise to the developer :p

I'm not aware of any python library methods which allow one to access  
registers. But, the read_reg() can be implmented in C and
imported into Python.

Any low level operation like register access is usually delegated to .


On Sep 19, 2008, at 7:02 PM, Deepak Patel wrote:

> Hello all,
> I want to a write a method in Python to poll a register for '1' or  
> '0'. It is kind of very simple in verilog, but not sure if python  
> provides flexibility or not.
> My algorithm (kind of Verilog syntax where I can access the bits  
> without any extra processing) is as follows:
> poll_reg ( input bit_pos, input poll_val, reg_offset)
> {
> // In this bit_pos is the position of bit in my register read which  
> are being polled to become poll_val. Poll_val can be either 0 or 1.
>           matched = 0;
>           while (matched != 1)
>           begin
>                   read_data = read_reg(reg_offset);
>                   if (read_data[bit_pos] == poll_val)
>                   begin
>                             matched = 1;
>                    end
>                    else
>                    begin
>                              matched = 0;
>                    end
>              end
> }
> Is there a way to do above in Python?
> Thanks,
> Deepak
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Pradeep Kishore Gowda
pradeep at btbytes.com
+1-317-564-4660 (Day Phone)

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