[BangPypers] PyQT v4.4.2-1 Couldn't Generate Code

Kushal Das kushaldas at gmail.com
Tue May 27 12:52:20 CEST 2008

On Tuesday 27 May 2008 03:39:49 pm Vishwanath Kamath Pethri wrote:
> Hi
> I have recently downloaded the "PyQt-Py2.5-gpl-4.4.2-1.exe" PyQT installer
> from the site. I am now facing issues as mentioned below:
It is Qt not *QT*
> 1.	Launch QtDesigner
> 2.	Design a UI. Save it to a local disk.
> 3.	Click on the "View Code" menu option.
I think that is for C++
Please pyuic4 to generate python code from ui files.

Fedora Ambassador, India
http://dgplug.org (Linux User Group of Durgapur)

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