[BangPypers] BangPypers Digest, Vol 8, Issue 15

Banibrata Dutta banibrata.dutta at gmail.com
Tue May 6 08:06:36 CEST 2008

"PyScripter" does all the above... so does "Bric", "Komodo", "Emacs",
"Eclipse with the plugin" etc.

IMHO, at the end of the day, we use what you are most comfortable
with, and what works for us..  :-)

On 5/6/08, Siddharta <siddharta.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
> The problem I have with stand alone editors is that they are okay for
> writing code, but absolutely lousy for reading and cleaning code. Most of
> the time I'm dealing with multiple files, and when reading code I want to be
> able to jump to the implementation of a method, then go back to where I was
> and so on. Then you want to rename a method or move code into a separate
> module and fix all the references. These kinds of things are major headaches
> in a standalone editor and tags/grep etc dont cut it. In any long term
> project, 75% of the work is in maintenance, reading and cleaning code.
> Unfortunately, most editors are optimised for *writing* code which is the
> least of my problems with Python's minimal syntax. I prefer an IDE optimized
> for reading, navigating and cleaning code and Wing does a pretty good job
> here, not as good as some other language IDEs but the best I've seen for
> Python.
> The second thing I like about Wing is that it has an interactive python
> shell which executes in context. Which means I can select a piece of code
> and run just that snippet in the shell and see the output. Also, I can put a
> breakpoint and then execute code in the shell with the execution context at
> the time of the breakpoint. Both are really useful, and again not provided
> in a stand alone editor. Plus a very nice debugger where you can see the
> call stack, breakpoints, watches, single step which are taken for granted in
> any language IDE but seem to be missing or poorly implemented in most Python
> IDEs.
> --
> Siddharta Govindaraj
> Pradeep Gowda wrote:
> >
> > On 06-May-08, at 12:51 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> >
> >
> > > textmate for mac and SPE or eric4 for linux
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Lets me also point out that whatever you choose, dont *ever* use Notepad.
> > Notepad is the most useless piece of software that ships with windows.
> >
> > I use Textmate and aquamacs (both on mac of course) and vim occasionally.
> >
> > For a windows new user, I recomment SciTE (which is also available via
> pywin IDE).
> >  I recommend it to every new student of mine and so far, I've heard no
> complaints. Some of them have switched to vim/emacs etc.,. But to start with
> SciTe is the easiest.
> > Its super-light weight, supports lots of languages, is cross platform.
> > An editor like SciTE which "understands" python, makes the "space is
> signiicant" mental block a little easy for the newbie.
> > Also, SciTE has an easy shortcut "F5" to execute code, the result of which
> can be seen in split window. This also makes it attractive for "write-test"
> interactive mode.
> >
> > On the side notes: I wrote an app using Google AppEngine and Python :
> http://www.btbytes.com/2008/05/announcing-teh-the-minimalist-blog-tool-using-google-app-engine
> >
> > +Pradeep
> >
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