[BangPypers] Python at Comat

Kiran Jonnalagadda jace at pobox.com
Thu Feb 7 15:40:19 CET 2008

On 05-Feb-08, at 11:40 PM, Anand Balachandran Pillai wrote:

>  That was a very well written post and the most "non-recruiting"  
> sounding
> recruitment post yet in this list. Though a tard too long perhaps.
>  Well written it may be, though I like to remind you that the policy
> of the list is
> to make concise posts regarding any kind of job postings and then  
> provide
> links to websites where one can learn more. Isn't some of this  
> information
> available at the website of comat ?
> Wish you the very best.

Thanks for the kind words, Anand. The Comat website is woefully out of  
date and we've been too busy to give it any attention. But now that  
you mention it, maybe we'll setup a separate site for just the team.

I've had several responses to the posting, and am already running a  
large mail backlog. For those who wrote in, please give me a day or  
two to respond.


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