[BangPypers] Your favorite Python libraries and frameworks

Anand Balachandran Pillai abpillai at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 12:29:40 CET 2007

Interesting! I already have this working at a beta stage with
transparent support for sourceforge mirrors and ability to
supply additional mirrors by passing a "mirror file" to the program
which contains mirror URLs for the file. The program basically
performs HTTP byte-range downloads in multiple threads, pulling
different parts of the same file either from the same server (no mirrors)
or from different servers (with mirrors).

I regularly use it  to download any file more than 5 MB, typically
speeding up my downloads 3-10 times. I have added support for HTTP
resume also which means you can stop the download and resume
it later. FTP REST is pending....

It is not a new application in itself but reuses HarvestMan libraries,
mainly its threading library.

I am now working on adding some cool stuff like mirror searches
using popular file mirroring websites, so that you don't need to supply
any mirror files for your downloads (instead the program searches and
pulls mirrors from the Internet). This will be done using a plugin
mechanism so that it is extensible.

The final goal is to have something which is better than DAP, which
is X platform, open source and command-line.

If you are interested in the source code let me know. I can send
you the URL.


On 10/30/07, S.Ramaswamy <srsy70 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/29/07, Anand Balachandran Pillai <abpillai at gmail.com> wrote:
> > developing version 2.0 of it, which means I test it a lot. I have also developed
> > a multithreaded downloader application on HarvestMan (I call it "hget") which
> > is something like a X platform downloaded accelerator console tool with
> > transparent support for mirrors etc. I have not yet published it as a package,
> > though the code is public.
> That's a coincidence - I am working on  a downloader of sorts
> myself.It's for downloading large files like OS ISOs and like.
> Ramaswamy
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