[BangPypers] Your favorite Python libraries and frameworks

Vimal Menon vimalmenon at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 30 08:42:55 CET 2007


Some of the Libraries/Modules/Wrappers I used and liked,

scapy - 
Scapy is a powerful interactive packet manipulation program. It is able to forge
or decode packets of a wide number of protocols. Power of Scapy with the simplicity of Python makes it a killer combination ;)
cPickle - well many of u might have used it .. 
pytables - havent used it much, but i liked it very much , may be someday some s/w, I would use it :)
Pyrex - an easy way to write extension modules, helps a lot when u r writing system level code in python.


----- Original Message ----
From: Dorai Thodla <dorai at thodla.com>
To: Bangalore Python Users Group - India <bangpypers at python.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2007 7:33:39 PM
Subject: [BangPypers] Your favorite Python libraries and frameworks

I came across an article a couple of days ago about extending Vim (Vim is Vi based editor) with python. It was really cool to compile a set of python functions and call them inside Python. I found it on 
http://programming.reddit.com/ which seems to have nice links to Python articles fairly frequently (reddit itself is a python app written in web.py).

This example used BeautifulSoup parsing library.


Since I have not heard of BeautifulSoup before, I started looking into it. It is an amazingly simple and useful Python library for parsing HTML and XML. 


I was wondering whether we should have a thread where people share their favorite Python libraries and how they discovered it. 

Dorai Thodla (http://www.thodla.com
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