[Async-sig] asyncio.timeout() is not portable

Andrew Svetlov andrew.svetlov at gmail.com
Sun Jun 5 17:12:45 EDT 2016

Regarding to asyncio event loop globalness.

In my code I never use implicit global event loop but always pass the
instance everywhere when needed.

aiohttp as well as other aio-libs libraries supports optional loop=None
The only reason why the loop is optional -- we are trying to follow asyncio
But frankly speaking I found implicit event loop both non-obvious and

It would be nice to always pass event loop explicitly in asyncio-based code
but ship has sailed years ago.

On Sun, Jun 5, 2016 at 11:38 AM Nathaniel Smith <njs at pobox.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 5, 2016 at 10:24 AM, Ben Darnell <ben at bendarnell.com> wrote:
> [...]
> > No, it's not helpful because event loops and coroutine runners are
> > independent. It's easy to find the current event loop (there are globals
> for
> > that), but you can't really interact with the coroutine runner except via
> > yield/await (unless we introduce new globals for this purpose)
> Of course the reason it takes the loop argument is that in asyncio,
> event loops and coroutine runners aren't independent at all -- the
> loop is a global, and then the current coroutine runner is part of the
> loop state, so effectively the current coroutine runner is already a
> global:
> https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-task.html#asyncio.Task.current_task
> In the curio approach they also aren't independent -- they don't have
> any magic globals, but for them the event loop and coroutine runner
> are the same object.
> And AFAICT the tornado.gen.with_timeout wrapper doesn't deal with
> coroutines/coroutine runners at all? I just read the source, but I
> couldn't fully follow it. If I write
>   async def do_stuff():
>       try:
>           await aiohttp.get("https://python.org")
>       except:
>           print("oops, cleaning up")
>           raise
>       else:
>           print("did it!")
>   await tornado.gen.with_timeout(timedelta(seconds=0.0001), do_stuff())
> and the timeout fires, then is the output "oops, cleaning up", "did
> it!", or nothing at all?
> I guess the main case where coroutine runners are really independent
> from an event loop is when you have random little ad hoc coroutine
> runners that aren't directly integrated with an event loop at all.
> E.g., in my async_generator package the @async_generator decorator
> acts as a coroutine runner that adapts a regular coroutine into an
> async iterator, by intercepting special 'await yield_(...)' messages
> and transparently proxying other messages to the underlying coroutine
> runner. Before I read the source I was expecting that maybe
> tornado.gen.timeout_after would work in a broadly similar way, but
> apparently I was wrong :-).
> I don't have any argument here -- just trying to think aloud to
> understand the design space better...
> -n
> --
> Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org
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Andrew Svetlov
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