[Async-sig] asyncio <-> twisted interoperability

Ben Darnell ben at bendarnell.com
Sat Jun 4 17:06:05 EDT 2016

On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 8:46 PM, Łukasz Langa <lukasz at langa.pl> wrote:

> Amber, Glyph, Ben, is asyncio.Future’s event loop callback scheduling the
> biggest barrier in interoperability at the moment?

 For Tornado, this was not an issue. Things are perhaps not as efficient as
they could be (and this is why tornado.concurrent.Future cannot be an alias
for asyncio.Future), but it basically just works.

The biggest problem that arises when people use Tornado and asyncio
together is that some asyncio functions (such as asyncio.gather()) are
written to accept bare coroutines and run them in asyncio.Task. This works
in a pure asyncio world, but fails in an application that tries to mix the
two frameworks. Since Tornado's coroutine runner is essentially a superset
of asyncio's, the workaround is simple: use the Tornado version of any
functions that exhibit this problem (e.g. tornado.gen.multi() instead of
asyncio.gather()). And while I'm happy to promote Tornado's more flexible
coroutine runner over asyncio's, it's clearly problematic for
standardization and interop. This approach only works so long as there is
some coroutine runner that is a superset of all the others.

The root of the problem is that without a standardized coroutine runner,
async functions are difficult to use: each asynchronous function embeds
assumptions about what runner will be used, and these assumptions will need
to be documented along with instructions for what to do when you need to
cross runner boundaries. We kind of have a standardized coroutine runner in
async.Task, but it's inflexible, dealing only in asyncio.Futures. I think
the right thing to do is to give asyncio a functools.singledispatch-based
hook like the one in Tornado (tornado.gen.convert_yielded) for converting
yielded objects into Futures. If we could register Tornado's Futures with
asyncio then I don't think there would be a reason to prefer Tornado's
coroutine runner when asyncio is available.

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