[AstroPy] A Mystery: DAOStarFinder Not Finding an Obvious Star in Just One Image

Robert Carr rspencercarr at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 15:35:46 EST 2022

Thank you again, Eric, for your suggestions.

I do not believe that this star was not saturated.  I checked a number of
other stars in the image of equivalent or greater peak and total flux.
Interestingly, these experienced no issues.

Vizier indicates that the object in question, J102343.30+003819., is a star
rather than some extended object.  It registered without issue in other
exposures taken in conditions with significantly worse seeing.  My only
thought is perhaps some very localized seeing condition?

Anyway, I have relaxed my constraints on sharpness and found that this
captured the missing object without sweeping up "undesirables."  Problem

Thanks again!

Bob Carr
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