[AstroPy] Reading FITS uncompressed headers performance

Jiří Nádvorník nadvornik.ji at gmail.com
Thu Oct 14 09:32:51 EDT 2021

Aha, so maybe I misunderstood how "less" works with the files - it displays
the header correctly even for the .bz2 file. I thought it behaves so
because the header is not compressed, only data is.

I'm attaching the SDSS image FITS link
the .bz2 file so it's clear what I'm talking about.



čt 14. 10. 2021 v 12:17 odesílatel Evert Rol <evert.rol at gmail.com> napsal:

> Bzip doesn't care about the file format: it compresses the whole file (and
> needs the complete file for that information). It probably divides things
> up in compressed blocks, but is not aware of FITS headers and the like, and
> such blocks will not adhere to the file structure. Possibly, `pyfits.open`
> can read and uncompress the relevant blocks for the first (primary) header
> and not uncompress anything further, but I'm not aware of that
> functionality.
> So as far as I'm aware, you can't do what you want: you'll need to
> uncompress the whole file first, before you can read just the primary
> header.
> What you probably want, is to just compress the data section of the FITS
> HDUs. For that, you'll need to save the file with pyfits, with the
> compression algorithm specified for each HDU. See
> https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/io/fits/usage/unfamiliar.html#astropy-io-fits-compressedimagedata .
> The compressed algorithms are described at
> https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/io/fits/api/images.html#astropy.io.fits.CompImageHDU .
> Be aware that some truncation happens with floating point data, as also
> described in the latter link.
> The advantage of this is that the header is also readable with other
> tools: it is just plain text (as normal for FITS), and it's only the data
> that is compressed.
> There may be some external tools that can do this easily for you from the
> command line (perhaps even some of the astropy tools), instead of having to
> script this yourself, but I don't know such tools.
> On 14 Oct 2021, at 10:44, Jiří Nádvorník <nadvornik.ji at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am a little confused about the performance of astropy.io.fits when
> trying to open just the primary header of a compressed (.bz2) FITS file.
> The header is uncompressed plain text, correctly ended by the END tag.
> Is there some setting that I need to use to parse the header without
> needing to decompress the whole file?
> Thank you,
> Jiri N.
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