[AstroPy] weird problem with table column operation

Paul Kuin npkuin at gmail.com
Tue May 18 11:38:09 EDT 2021


I probably do something wrong.

I have a Table with multiple columns, and one with a single colum.
In [80]: type(tab),type(c1)
Out[80]: (astropy.table.table.Table, astropy.table.table.Table)
The data type in c1 is :
<Table length=10628>

I add this c1 as aa new column using
tab.add_column(c1,name='TDB_MINUS_TT') [if I do not add the name the name
does not take)

now the column is added to table TAB, BUT, the data type is now changed to
void64 !?
and the values have now been changed from float to  (-33.9968477608636 ,)

I see no mention in the documentation anywhere of anything like this.
Am I doing something stupid or is this a bug?

In [86]: astropy.__version__
Out[86]: '4.0.2'

Anny help will be appreciated!



* * * * * * * * http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/~npmk/ * * * *
N.P.M. Kuin   (n.kuin at ucl.ac.uk) --  mobile +44(0)7908715953  -- phone
+44-(0)1483 (prefix) -204111 (when back to work)
Mullard Space Science Laboratory  – University College London  – Holmbury
St Mary – Dorking – Surrey RH5 6NT–  U.K.
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