[AstroPy] Fwd: Learn to work with astronomical data with SQL and Pandas

Kelle Cruz kellecruz at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 15:45:04 EDT 2020

See below for an exciting new workshop opportunity for astronomers! - Kelle

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: K. Azalee Bostroem <kabostroem at ucdavis.edu>
Date: Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 2:42 PM

Dear Colleagues,

The Astronomy Curriculum Development Committee (ACDC) is excited to
announce a community pilot of the Data Carpentry workshop for Astronomers.
We invite you to join the pilot by applying here

What is Data Carpentry for Astronomers?

The astronomy-tailored curriculum is designed to provide astronomers with
essential skills for data-intensive analysis and visualization. The
curriculum focuses on:

   - building complex SQL queries using Astroquery
   - working with the retrieved data in Astropy Tables and Pandas data
   - storing the data locally for future use
   - communicating the results with clear and compelling figures using

Who can attend the pilot workshop?

This pilot workshop is designed to vet and improve the curriculum before
the lessons are prepared for wider distribution. In particular, we seek
participation from learners:

   - at all stages of their education and careers
   - with knowledge equivalent to the Software Carpentry Python Curriculum
   - the ability to write a function in Python
      - familiarity with Python built-in types such as lists and
      - the ability to navigate directories using the command line.

In addition, we welcome participants who are familiar with the concepts
presented and would like to provide comprehensive feedback on the lessons.

How do I participate?

The workshop will occur over five half days, from Monday, November 16th to
Friday November 20th, from 1 - 5 PM Eastern Time daily. We request that all
applicants plan to attend the entirety of the workshop and expect to
complete follow-up surveys and feedback requests.

We invite you to apply to join the pilot by submitting the following form:

We expect to support 15 learners, on a first come first serve basis with
preference given to  people involved in The Carpentries community.  First
round applicants will be notified of their acceptance on October 1.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Azalee Bostroem (
kabostroem at ucdavis.edu).

The curriculum development is supported by an American Institute of Physics
Venture Partnership Fund awarded to the AAS.


Azalee Bostroem (Project Lead; co-PI)
Allen Downey (Lead Developer)
Erin Becker (Carpentries Liaison)
Rodolfo Montez (AAS Liaison; co-PI)
Phil Rosenfield (Development Team)
Brett Morris (Development Team)
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