[AstroPy] AstroPy Lomb-Scargle periodogram

Sergei Schmalz sergiuspro at yahoo.de
Wed Apr 22 21:49:52 EDT 2020

Hi all!

Does the model() method of the LombScargle object do ONLY A SINUSOID 
best-fit? I've tried to apply it to a folded light curve of an asteroid 
which is not a pure sinusoid in its shape, and the fit didn't really fit 
the data points, it looked exactly like a sinusoid, that's why the 
question. If this is indeed so, is there a work-around while still using 
the model() method, or do I have to use other fitting tools?

By the way, on the Y-axis of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram we have the 
periodogram power, but what's its unit?

Thanks in advance.

Sergei Schmalz

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