[AstroPy] A lot of extraneous output messages from astroquery Eso

Adam Ginsburg adam.g.ginsburg at gmail.com
Wed Feb 13 12:31:30 EST 2019

Hi Mark,
     This looks like an error where the progressbar_or_spinner class is
producing a newline each time instead of overwriting the existing line; I
suspect this has to do with your terminal settings but I'm not exactly sure
how to fix it.  We generally have a `verbose` boolean option that can be
set to `False`, but it looks like we omitted it in this case; I consider
that a bug so we'll note it and try to fix it.

On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 3:46 AM Mark Neeser <mneeser at eso.org> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am using astroquery v. 0.3.9 running with python 3.6.
> When using eso.retieve_data I get a flood of identical (and hence
> meaningless) download messages of the form:
> . . .
> Downloading URL
> http://dataportal.eso.org/dataPortal/requests/user_name/401459/SAF/KMOS.2017-02-24T00:52:51.138/KMOS.2017-02-24T00:52
> Downloading URL
> http://dataportal.eso.org/dataPortal/requests/user_name/401459/SAF/KMOS.2017-02-24T00:52:51.138/KMOS.2017-02-24T00:52
> Downloading URL
> http://dataportal.eso.org/dataPortal/requests/user_name/401459/SAF/KMOS.2017-02-24T00:52:51.138/KMOS.2017-02-24T00:52
> Downloading URL
> http://dataportal.eso.org/dataPortal/requests/user_name/401459/SAF/KMOS.2017-02-24T00:52:51.138/KMOS.2017-02-24T00:52
> . . .
> repeated several 100’s of times.
> Is there any way to turn this output off, or at least reduce its quantity?
> Cheers and thanks,
> Mark
> =======================================================
> Dr. Mark J. Neeser
> ESO - European Southern Observatory
> Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2
> D-85748 Garching, Germany
> Office:  C.3.32    (HQE)
> Tel:  +49-(0)89-3200-6874
> Fax: +49-(0)89-3200-6358
> email: mneeser at eso.org
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Adam Ginsburg
Jansky fellow, National Radio Astronomy Observatory
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