[AstroPy] glue v0.13 released!

Thomas Robitaille thomas.robitaille at gmail.com
Thu May 3 08:48:24 EDT 2018

Hi everyone,

We are happy to announce the release of *glue v0.13*!

For anyone not familiar with this package, glue is a Python library and
application for multidimensional and linked data exploration, which you can
find out more about at http://glueviz.org

*Changes in this release*

An overview of the main changes in this release is available here:


This is a feature-packed release! The most significant changes are as

   - The 2D scatter viewer now has a way to show density maps for large
   numbers of points
   - Data in different coordinate systems/projections can be shown together
   in the image viewer provided they have been linked together (using
   on-the-fly reprojection)
   - The editor for arithmetic attributes has been completely rewritten and
   it is now possible to go back and edit existing arithmetic attributes
   - The link editor has also been re-written and now includes a graphical
   representation of the existing datasets and links
   - The spectrum tool has been re-written into a more general profile
   viewer that can be used to collapse any multi-dimensional dataset into a 1D
   - A new selection tool is now available in the image viewer, and makes
   it possible to select single pixels in the image plane (this can be used in
   conjunction with the profile viewer to extract 1D profiles from 3D cubes)
   - A new dialog has been added to reorder/rename existing attributes
   - A new button in the toolbar, 'Export Data/Subsets', provides a dialog
   to save datasets and subsets to disk
   - The main built-in viewers now include the option to save a given plot
   as a script that can be used to reproduce the plot outside of glue
   - Control-clicking on a dataset now includes an option to view the
   metadata/header of a dataset.
   - It is now possible to save session files with relative paths to the
   data rather than absolute paths.

You can read about these changes in more detail at the link above. In
addition, this release includes many bug fixes and improvements in
usability and performance.

*Installing/updating g**lue*

As usual, we recommend installing glue using the Anaconda Python
Distribution <http://continuum.io/downloads>. To get the latest version of
glue (v0.13), you will need to make sure you use the glueviz conda channel.
If you are using the conda command, this means that you need to do:

  conda install -c glueviz glueviz=0.13

If you want to use the Anaconda launcher or navigator to install glue without
using the command-line, take a look at the instructions on our website
find out how to get the latest version. We also provide instructions
<http://docs.glueviz.org/en/stable/installation/installation.html> for
other installation methods, including pip.

Please let us know if you run into any issues installing or using glue -
you can either let us know by email (by replying to this email off-list),
by opening a GitHub issue <https://github.com/glue-viz/glue/issues>, or you
can join the glue slack channel
<http://docs.glueviz.org/en/stable/help.html> and chat with us there.

Thanks to everyone who contributed code to this release, in particular Dan
D'Avella, Maarten Breddels, and Stuart Mumford!

- Thomas Robitaille, on behalf of the glue team
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