[AstroPy] Playing with fits files/fire

Roberts, Michael michael.roberts.15 at ucl.ac.uk
Thu May 19 13:04:59 EDT 2016

Dear all,

So I'm just playing with using the fits file handler, I wanted to check how something is done.

I am opening a fits file with:

with fits.open('/Users/.../SWIFT/UVOTIMSUM/M33_sum_uvm2_norm.img') as ima_norm_um2:

I wanted to know how I could then utilise this with the mode='update' argument, and use the flush...when using what I am using I seem to be losing my WCS coordinates that are within the primary header...so I want to go in and modify the image in the second header and then write it back to the original file...over the image extension.

Is that at all possible?


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