[AstroPy] ImportError: cannot import name _compiler

Steffen Brinkmann brinkmann at mpia.de
Thu Jul 9 08:47:35 EDT 2015


I just installed locally with

$ python setup.py install --user

Now when I import astropy, I get

In [1]: import astropy
ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-d192094ef7da> in <module>()
----> 1 import astropy

/disk1/brinkmann/code/astropy-1.0.3/astropy/__init__.py in <module>()
     323     log = _init_log()
--> 325     _initialize_astropy()
     327     from .utils.misc import find_api_page

/disk1/brinkmann/code/astropy-1.0.3/astropy/__init__.py in 
     237     try:
--> 238         from .utils import _compiler
     239     except ImportError:
     240         if is_astropy_source_dir:

ImportError: cannot import name _compiler


what did I miss?

Cheers, Steffen

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