[AstroPy] APLpy 1.0 release candidate

Thomas Robitaille thomas.robitaille at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 17:40:06 EST 2015

Hi everyone,

This week I am planning on releasing APLpy 1.0, and I have created a
release candidate (1.0rc1). The tar file can be found here:


and you can install this version with:

pip install aplpy --pre

(the --pre stands for pre-release). If anyone has a chance to try out
this new version, please let me know if you run into any issues! You can
report issues in the issue tracker:


and if some of you try this out and do not run into any issues, I would
also appreciate if you could let me know privately by email.

This release is only a bug fix release, so there are no new features to
try - I just want to make sure that nothing breaks with this release.


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