[AstroPy] a question about python3-astropy installation

Dominik Klaes dklaes at astro.uni-bonn.de
Thu Apr 2 10:25:02 EDT 2015

Hi Maryam,

I suggest you to install and use the Anaconda package. With that, it's
quite easy to install older and newer version with a simple command line.



Am 04/02/2015 um 04:22 PM schrieb mhabibi at mpe.mpg.de:
> Hi all,
> I try to install latest version of python3-astropy.
> When I install it with the pip command on my Ubuntu 14.04 machine it
> installs the 0.3 version. Can anyone please help me how can I install a
> newer version of python3-astropy?
> Many thanks,
> Maryam
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Dominik Klaes
Argelander-Institut für Astronomie
Room 2.027a
Auf dem Hügel 71
53121 Bonn

Telefon: 0228/73-5773
E-Mail: dklaes at astro.uni-bonn.de
Homepage: https://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/m/dklaes/

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