[AstroPy] astropy logo clothing now available

David Shupe shupe at ipac.caltech.edu
Mon Sep 16 18:34:45 EDT 2013


OK, I'll bite (pun intentional). Is the error at the tail end of the snake?

Doesn't the logo look cooler as a rattlesnake? Seems like a fortuitous error to me… :)


On Sep 16, 2013, at 1:58 PM, Perry Greenfield <stsci.perry at gmail.com> wrote:

> Alas, it has been noticed that an error has crept into the logo that none of us reviewing it noticed. If it matters to you, hold off on any orders until we have it fixed (and I get new glasses). Who knows, maybe the defective ones will have enormous market value like similar coins and stamps :-)
> Thanks, Perry
> On Sep 16, 2013, at 3:38 PM, Perry Greenfield wrote:
>> We've set up an online store for astropy logo clothing that can be reached through these urls:
>> http://fashion.astropy.org
>> http://shirts.astropy.org
>> All items that are purchased result in 15% of the proceeds going to the astropy project (through the NumFOCUS foundation, which actually receives the funds).
>> I'm trying to add extra non-clothing items (e.g., tote bags, computer backpacks/cases, hats, etc.) which hopefully will appear in a day or two.
>> Also, if you are planning to attend the Astropy Coordination meeting, you may want to hold of on ordering anything right now. I believe there will be an attempt to arrange a group order beforehand.
>> This online store is allowed to list up to 50 items, so if there are items you are interested in that aren't shown, please contact us and we will try to accommodate such requests (different colors count as a separate listing). Click on the logosportswear.com link at the upper left to see all that they carry.
>> Perry
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David Shupe
NASA Herschel Science Center, IPAC, Caltech
1200 E. California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125 USA

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