[AstroPy] Acknowledging Astropy in talks with "astropy-powered" logo

Erik Tollerud erik.tollerud at gmail.com
Wed Sep 11 11:03:06 EDT 2013

Hello all,

For those among you that are using the Astropy package for work that
you will be presenting in a talk, I'd like to briefly mention a new
section of the Astropy web site you may want to look at:

Specifically, there is now an "Astropy-powered" logo that you can put
on the title and/or acknowledgements slide of your talk to credit
Astropy if you feel it contributed substantially to your work.  Also,
if there are slightly different color schemes/text sizes you think
might be useful for your talk, feel free to edit the .svg originals at
https://github.com/astropy/astropy-logo and issue a pull request.

Hopefully you find this helpful!

Erik Tollerud

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