[AstroPy] AstroPy Digest, Vol 80, Issue 16

Mario Juric mjuric at lsst.org
Tue May 28 23:33:00 EDT 2013

On 5/28/13 13:56 , Robert Lupton the Good wrote:
>> BTW, Python can just call all those fancy C++ routines and provide wrappers. 
> We're calling it all from python, using swig.  That's not the
> problem; the problem is convincing people to install quite a deep
> software stack (and providing documentation now, when there's not a
> lot of money or people).
>> At the same time, I wonder if that LSST software can be used freely
>> or will have export restrictions ?
> And all the code's on github, under the GPL (v3).

Not quite on github (yet), but under git:


. However, anyone tempted to jump in should first read:


And an overview presentation can be found at http://ls.st/e12 .

As Robert said, right now we're under-resourced and swamped with reviews
and preps for start of LSST construction. But looking beyond the next
few months, we're generally very interested in opening up the LSST
codebase and development, to ensure it's as useful to the community as

Mario Juric,
Data Mgmt. Project Scientist, Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
Web   :  http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~mjuric/
Phone :  +1 617 744 9003       PGP: ~mjuric/crypto/public.key

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