[AstroPy] [astropy-dev] ANN: Astropy v0.1

Perry Greenfield perry at stsci.edu
Tue Jun 19 11:58:20 EDT 2012

On Jun 19, 2012, at 11:19 AM, Olе Streicher wrote:

> Hello,
> Erik Tollerud <erik.tollerud at gmail.com> writes:
>> On behalf of the Astropy team, I'm excited to announce the first
>> release of the Astropy core package: v0.1!
> Congratulations!!! It is nice to see that this work progresses!
> I just downloaded it and had a quick look from the perspective of
> packaging it.
> Just a few questions/comments:
> * I very much like the idea of having the external C code in a  
> specific
>  diretory tree "cextern" since this makes it easier to split this part
>  and use the versions provided with the OS. I would guess that also
>  the "wcslib" part will move from pywcs to cextern?
> * Will pywcs survive as external package or shall we consider moving
>  from pywcs to astropy.wcs in the medium term?
It is our plan to migrate pywcs (if you are talking about our version)  
to astropy exclusively. There will be some period for which it is  
available both ways, but once astropy is widely used, that is the only  
place it will reside.


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