[AstroPy] anyone using Pandas?

Wolfgang Kerzendorf wkerzendorf at gmail.com
Fri Dec 14 23:52:40 EST 2012

Sorry before this didn't go to the list:

Hey guys,

I'm slowly understanding better what pandas is about. The object I'm representing in a pandas data frame is an atomic database. 
Each line in there has atomic_number, ion_number, level_number, energy, g. So I have created a Pandas dataFrame and then set the index to atomic_number, ion_number, level_number. Now I want to make a new DataFrame where atomic_number in (6, 7, 8, 9) - but it is an index. how do I do that?

On 2012-12-14, at 8:15 PM, Thøger Rivera-Thorsen <trive at astro.su.se> wrote:

> Like Tyler said, can you be a bit more specific about what you want to 
> obtain?
> What is your starting point, and where do you want to go from there?
> I've been looking quite a bit into multiindexing lately, and it is very 
> handy but it does have some caveats.
> On 12/14/2012 09:04 PM, Wolfgang Kerzendorf wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> I'm trying to play around with pandas. Currently I have a look at join and it always seems to copy the data. I believe I want to use advanced indexing, but am not quite sure how to do that: any Pandas experts here?
>> Cheers
>>    Wolfgang
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