[AstroPy] patch for pywcs

Rene Breton superluminique at gmail.com
Sat Oct 8 02:52:22 EDT 2011


I don't know if Michael Droettboom is still the maintainer of pywcs but I have a patch to submit for the next release. There have been major changes to pyfits 3.x compared to 2.x and hence pywcs fails to export to header properly (pywcs.WCS.to_header). I have fixed the problem. Currently, it requires a "try... except" because I haven't found an elegant way to make it compatible with both 2.x and 3.x. When pywcs moves to requiring pyfits >3.x then the exception clause could be removed.

At the same time, I've also remove the header.has_key and replaced them for "key in header" as the header.has_key spits out a DeprecationWarning.

The patch is attached.


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