[AstroPy] Aperture photometry

Sergio Pascual sergiopr at fis.ucm.es
Thu Apr 14 17:23:12 EDT 2011

It would be great to have routines directly comparable with those from
Iraf or IDL. What kind of apertures does Astrolib support? How it
handles subpixel fractions?

I think there's a lack of information about the algorithms used to
effectively compute the subpixel fraction in the apertures.

Regards, Sergio

2011/4/14 Rene Breton <superluminique at gmail.com>:
> Hi Sergio,
> I'm currently working on porting the IDL astrolib aperture photometry
> routines to python (which you can find in pyastrolib). I'm not done with
> them yet. Hopefully it should be done soon as I have some data reduction to
> perform. I can let you know if you're interested.
> If you want something more basic for now, have a look at the attached python
> script. It does the aperture photometry but doesn't handle subpixel
> contributions. If the radius of your aperture isn't too small it shouldn't
> be too far off a more careful reduction. I haven't made the script to handle
> multiple source positions/apertures but this could easily be fixed.
> Cheers,
> Rene
> On 11-04-14 01:18 PM, Sergio Pascual wrote:
>> Hi
>> Let's say I have an image as a  numpy array and I want to obtain the
>> summed values of the array inside an ellipse inside the image. In
>> other words, I wanto to make aperture photometry. Do you know of any
>> python astronomy package that implements this. It's a fairly basic
>> think, but I haven't found anything.
>> Regards

Sergio Pascual                        http://guaix.fis.ucm.es/~spr
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Departamento de Astrofísica -- Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)

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