[AstroPy] yt 2.1 Release Announcement

Sam Skillman samskillman at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 08:55:07 EDT 2011

We are proud to announce the release of yt version 2.1.  This release
includes several new features, bug fixes, and numerous improvements to the
code base and documentation.  At the yt homepage, http://yt.enzotools.org/ ,
an installation script, a cookbook, documentation and a guide to getting
involved can be found.

yt is an analysis and visualization toolkit for Adaptive Mesh Refinement
data.  yt provides full support for Enzo, Orion, and FLASH codes, with
preliminary support for RAMSES, ART, Chombo, CASTRO and MAESTRO codes.  It
can be used to create many common types of data products such as:

* Slices
* Projections
* Profiles
* Arbitrary Data Selection
* Cosmological Analysis
* Halo finding
* Parallel AMR Volume Rendering
* Gravitationally Bound Objects Analysis

There are a few major additions since yt-2.0 (Released January 17, 2011),

* Streamlines for visualization and querying
* A treecode implementation to calculate binding energy
* Healpix / all-sky parallel volume rendering
* A development bootstrap script, for getting going with modifying and
* CASTRO particles
* Time series analysis

Documentation: http://yt.enzotools.org/doc/
Cookbook: http://yt.enzotools.org/doc/cookbook/recipes.html
Get Involved:

If you can’t wait to get started, install with:

$ wget http://hg.enzotools.org/yt/raw/stable/doc/install_script.sh
$ bash install_script.sh

Development has been sponsored by the NSF, DOE, and University funding.  We
invite you to get involved with developing and using yt!

Please forward this announcement to interested parties.


The yt development team:

David Collins
Oliver Hahn
Cameron Hummels
Stefan Klemer
Chris Malone
Christopher Moody
Andrew Myers
Jeff Oishi
Britton Smith
Devin Silvia
Sam Skillman
Stephen Skory
Matthew Turk
John Wise
John ZuHone
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