[AstroPy] ANN: Kapteyn Package 2.0.2 released

Hans Terlouw J.P.Terlouw at astro.rug.nl
Thu Sep 16 07:10:50 EDT 2010

We are pleased to announce the release of version 2.0.2 of the Kapteyn Package.

The Kapteyn Package is a collection of Python modules developed by the
computer group of the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of
Groningen, The Netherlands.

Some of the package's features:

- The handling of spatial and spectral coordinates, WCS projections and
   transformations between different sky systems. Spectral translations
   (e.g. between frequencies and velocities) are supported as well as
   mixed coordinates. For WCS, Dr. Mark Calabretta's WCSLIB is used.

- Versatile tools for writing small and dedicated applications for the
   inspection of FITS headers, the extraction, display and interactive
   inspection of (FITS) data and for the creation of plots with world
   coordinate information, including all-sky plots.
   A unique feature is the possibility to make plots with mixed
   coordinates, e.g. where one axis is spatial and the other one is
   spectral. Matplotlib and PyFITS are used.

- Tools for parsing and interpreting coordinate information entered by
   the user.

- Utilities for use with Matplotlib such as obtaining coordinate
   information from plots, interactively modifiable colormaps and timer
   events (to facilitate movie loops).

- A class for the efficient reading, writing and manipulating of simple
   table-like structures in text files.

Currently supported architectures are Linux, Apple Mac OS X and
Microsoft Windows.

Extensive documentation, including tutorial and background information,
as well as download and installation instructions can be found at

We look forward to your feedback.

Hans Terlouw and Martin Vogelaar

J. P. Terlouw
Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
University of Groningen
Postbus 800
NL-9700 AV Groningen
The Netherlands

Phone: +31-(0)50-3634068/73
Fax:   +31-(0)50-3636100

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