[AstroPy] PyFITS Version 2.3 Now Available

jtaylor2 at stsci.edu jtaylor2 at stsci.edu
Wed May 12 15:01:26 EDT 2010




The Science Software Branch of the Space Telescope
Science Institute wishes to announce the availability
of version 2.3 of PyFITS.  This is the first announced
release since version 2.2 in September 2009 and contains
a number of enhancements and bug fixes.

Note that support for numarray has been completely
eliminated in version 2.3.

Notable Enhancements

  - Supports Python 2.6 and future division.

  - Supports the Python 2.5 'with' statement when opening
    fits files.

  - Provides capability to create a BinaryTableHDU directly
    from a numpy Record Array (array with fields).

  - Supports writing fits data to some file-like objects
    that do not support the random access methods seek()
    and tell().

  - Supports the assignment of a row value for a table using
    a tuple or a list as input.

Release Notes

Release notes for all versions of PyFITS may be found


Where to Obtain this Software

PyFITS can be downloaded for the PyFITS download web site:


Installation instructions are available on the web site.


The upcoming release of STSCI_PYTHON v2.10 will contain PyFITS version 2.3.

Array Package Support

PyFITS no longer supports the NUMARRAY array package.

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