[AstroPy] Parameter 'origin' in WCS-methods

Martin Kuemmel mkuemmel at eso.org
Fri May 8 07:07:40 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I installed the newest version of pywcs (v1.4-4.3). The 'test.py' in
the tarball complains since there is no parameter 'origin' given
in the various methods (e.g. wcs_pix2sky(origin, *args)).

The 'test.py' in the repository works, good.

But what's the meaning of this parameter, anyway??
It's an integer, and learning-by-doing tells me that it matters
whether it is a 0 or a 1? Is there some documentation somewhere?


| Martin Kuemmel                              E-mail: mkuemmel at eso.org |
| Space Telescope European Co-ordinating Facility                      |
| European Southern Observatory                          Room: ESO 264 |
| Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2                 Phone: +49 89 32006-817 |
| D-85748 Garching                             FAX:   +49 89 32006-703 |
| Germany                         WWW: http://www.stecf.org/~mkuemmel/ |
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