[AstroPy] AstroLib vs Astlib vs APLpy vs ...

Richard Hook rhook at eso.org
Thu Jun 25 03:17:59 EDT 2009

Dear All,

In a similar vein, and also something of a self-plug, I would like to 
mention that at ESO we are working on a new version of
the Scisoft collection (www.eso.org/scisoft). This already contains a 
lot of Python packages (listed at the link given below), as well as 
IRAF/STSDAS and many other things, and for each release we look around 
for updates and additional items to include. So, we will try to add some 
of the new things mentioned here (such as Kapteyn). Suggestions welcome 
- we want to include as much astronomically useful material as is possible!


for a list of current contents. Scisoft is available as a big tar file 
as well as through yum.

The new Scisoft VIII will appear in the late summer (all being well) and 
will be built on Fedora 11.

Cheers, Richard

Fernando Avila Castro wrote:
>  	Shameless self-plug :)
>  	I have an IRAF installer for Ubuntu LTS here:
>   	http://cosmos.astro.uson.mx/~favilac/linastro.html
>  	It includes latest IRAF, STSDAS, TABLES, PyRAF, PyWCS plus other 
> things. It get the ubuntu packages of pyfits, numpy, etc for dependencies.
>  	I'll check pysao to include it in the next version of the 
> installer :)
>> PyRAF sounds great but installing IRAF is not the easiest thing to do.
>> Note also that you can controll a plain ds9 from python via pysao
>> (http://code.google.com/p/python-sao/)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> C.Dr. Fernando A. Avila Castro
> Responsable del Observatorio Astronomico
> del Centro Ecologico de Sonora
> http://www.astro.uson.mx/~favilac
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