[AstroPy] SciPy 2007 conference BOF

Christopher Hanley chanley at stsci.edu
Mon Jul 23 15:14:52 EDT 2007


I have a question for those planning on attending the SciPy 2007 
conference in a few weeks.  I have been approached regarding the 
possibility about having a BOF meeting to discuss PyFITS.  I was 
wondering if there would be an interest in this, or more generally, 
about astronomy software development.  We at the Space Telescope Science 
Institute could talk about our future plans.  Please let me know if you 
are interested in having a BOF meeting.  If there is enough interest I 
will arrange a session for Thursday evening.

Chris Hanley

Christopher Hanley
Systems Software Engineer
Space Telescope Science Institute
3700 San Martin Drive
Baltimore MD, 21218
(410) 338-4338

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