AstroPy: Activities or other News?

Rob Managan managan at
Tue Mar 16 13:16:45 EST 1999

>Things have been rather quiet on the AstroPy list so I thought I'd send out
>a little news on my activities to see if it would inspire news from others.
>Paul Barrett is still working on the PyFITS module and I'm doing some
>assistance in that area.
>I attempted to port Travis Oliphant's cephes module to the Mac but ran into
>problems because I didn't have all the source code for the Numeric module.
>I still need to finish that.
>I've not noticed any additions to Pavlos' AstroPy page
>Has there been any other activity by other list members?

I just recompiled and put up the Mac source for NumPy.

It is available at <> .
Look for the files Numerical.sea.hqx and Numerical_src.sea.hqx if you want
the source and CW projects...
Rob Managan       mailto://
LLNL                      ph:  925-423-0903
P.O. Box 808, L-098       FAX: 925-423-5804
Livermore, CA  94551-0808

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