[Matrix-SIG] Re: a full-blown interactive data analysis environment

Ryszard Czerminski ryszard at moldyn.com
Tue Feb 9 13:47:11 EST 1999

It would help a lot to start to develop some document
which would describe what do we want from this new package
(i.e. requirements).

This can be a good basis for further discussion.

It should probably include as well on some general
level analysis and description of existing packages
in this field (matlab, idl, root (http://root.cern.ch),
scilab - to name the few) and what makes them inadequate
enough to justify development of

One basic reason - at least for this group - is lack of
Python front-end (:-).


Ryszard Czerminski         phone : (617)354-3124 x 10
Moldyn, Inc.               fax   : (617)491-4522
955 Massachusetts Avenue   e-mail: ryszard at moldyn.com
Cambridge MA, 02139-3180   or      ryszard at photon.com

On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Konrad Hinsen wrote:

> > My goal here is to get a core of standard routines that are used in
> > many fields of science into a coherent package with good docs, and to
> > integrate it initially with Python.  The point is that then *any*
> Sorry, but I still don't see what you are planning to do...
> My impression is that generic low-level libraries already exist.
> How exactly does your idea differ from combining LAPACK, FFTPACK, etc.
> into one tar file and write wrappers and documentation for all of it?
> Konrad.
> -- 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Konrad Hinsen                            | E-Mail: hinsen at cnrs-orleans.fr
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