[AstroPy] Module suggestions?

W.T. Bridgman bridgman at wyeth.gsfc.nasa.gov
Tue Aug 24 12:30:51 EDT 1999

Paul Barrett wrote:
> I'm trying to compile a list of Python modules and enhancements to
> current modules that the AstroPy community would like to see
> developed.  Examples of such modules and enhancements are:
> - Record, a module to access multi-dimensional arrays of structures
>     (currently under development),
> - PyFITS, an IO module for FITS files (currently under painfully slow
>     development by me),
> - SLAlib, a wrapper module, with some enhancements, for the StarLink
>     Astronomical library,

I'm told there is a C version of SLAlib but the person responsible is
reluctant to release it.  I believe Pavlos' PyAstro module has some
versions of these routines.

> - Numeric enhancements, such as memory mapping of large arrays, no
>     up-casting during array operations, no temporaries during array
>     operations, scatter/gather behavior using arrays, a module of
>     useful astronomical methods (e.g. min, max, etc), etc.

Considering the number of other scientific libraries out there, many of
these may already be available.

I'm working on a more generic TimeSeries class.  To populate this class,
I'm developing a wrapper class for Paul's PyFITS module that can extract
the time series data from FITS files generated for specific
instruments.  I think I can make this interface sufficiently general
that, in principle, one could design one to extract timing data for any
instrument.  It would facilitate multi-wavelenght timing analysis.

Also, I've heard no feedback from the AstroPy list on the PyFITS
documentation I wrote (come on, I know it's abysmal).  Suggestions

Dr. William T."Tom" Bridgman           Scientific Visualization Studio
Raytheon ITSS                          NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Email: bridgman at wyeth.gsfc.nasa.gov    Code 935
Phone: 301-286-1346                    Greenbelt, MD 20771
FAX:   TBD                             http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/
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