[python-advocacy] Python usage in big corporations and organisations

Stephan Deibel sdeibel at wingware.com
Sun Feb 8 00:00:18 CET 2009

Günter Walser wrote:
> Hello to all,
> I'm in the process of convincing a client to use Python as the base for a
> Web based enterprise tool (not mission critical, but it should be used by
> many parts of the organisation if everything goes fine).
> He starts to see the advantages of Python to develop, but is very concerned
> about the opinion the IT departments might have about Python.
> To circumvent the "Only Java" or similar policies I'm thinking about Jython,
> which is one apsect. 
> But in my clients opinion it would be good to have a kind of "don't fear,
> look all these huge and successful companies use Python" list at hand. 
> Which might give support for the people wanting it but having to fight
> opposition from IT-departments.
> Is there anything like this available? I've found some (the one from
> python.org, the wingware one (alsmost same)) but all of them miss the big
> names which might help to impress some. Google is so far the only one big
> and pythonistic I'm aware of.
> Thanks for any hint or idea how to approach this problem. 
In addition to the link Aahz sent, see also 

For http://python.org/about/success/ (also at 
http://wingware.com/python/success/ with a few
additions) it's been hard to get large companies to approve stories, 
although I also haven't tried
very hard in recent years so additions have been only unsolicited 
stories.  Google specifically
has a policy against doing things like the success stories (I did ask 
them) and this is not unusual
for such companies.



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