[python-advocacy] [PSF-Members] Stack Overflow's Dev Days Looking For Python Speakers

Jesse Noller jnoller at gmail.com
Sat Aug 1 01:07:11 CEST 2009

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Ted Pollari<tpollari at gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyone interested in representing Python or at least in pointing Joel
> Spolsky in a good direction?
> From the transcript of the Stack Overflow Podcast at:
>  https://stackoverflow.fogbugz.com/default.asp?W29071 :
> """Spolsky:  I have a request of our listeners if you're listening to this
> show. We're trying to organize these stack overflow dev days and I've found
> alot of good speakers on alot of good topics but what I really want is some
> Python speakers. People to do a python tutorial in each of the ten cities
> and I don't have any Python speakers lined up at all and I don't really know
> who the good Python teachers and Python tutors are. So if you've ever gotten
> a Python tutorial in person or you've heard somebody speaking on Python who
> you thought was absolutely brilliant and fun to listen to and taught you
> alot in an hour. Which is what we want to happen at the stack overflow dev
> days. Could you please tell me who they are? and what their name is and even
> where they live? and do that by emailing that
> todevdays at stackoverflow.com which is our standard dev days address for any
> kind of dev days question about dev days."""

I volunteered for the Boston Dev Day - now the only question is what
to show them!


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