[python-advocacy] Did somebody ask for these messages from bloggerman, or are we being spammed?

Stephan Deibel sdeibel at wingware.com
Fri Jan 4 20:24:13 CET 2008

Jeff Rush wrote:
> If it gets out of hand, I can set the list to require manual approval for
> anyone joining the list but it's a bit of work to verify someone's credentials
> and raises a barrier to legitimate participation.

One way to do this is not to require approval to join but to ask mailman to
set the moderator bit on for new members, so you would need to approve their
first post and could at that time uncheck the moderator bit so you don't
need to do any further approvals for them.

Seeing the first email from them is usually a good way to check their
credentials (it's either junk or not).

- Stephan

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