[python-advocacy] Python Success Story (didactics of informatics)

Tennessee Leeuwenburg tleeuwenburg at gmail.com
Fri Apr 25 12:50:37 CEST 2008

Hi Aroldo,

If you would be interested, it would also make a very appropriate article
for *The Python Papers*. We would be happy to edit and publish such an
article. Let me know if you don't find a home for the article on the
python.org website and we can get it online that way. Either way, it would
be great to read the article once finished, so an email to myself or this
list would be appreciated, and I will enjoy seeing what you have to say!


On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 12:16 PM, Stephan Deibel (PSF) <sdeibel at python.org>

> Aroldo Souza-Leite <asouzaleite at gmx.de> wrote:
>> this email is addressed to the administrator or chief editor of
>>> http://www.python.org/about/success/.
>>> I would like to write a Python success story as an IT corporate trainer.
>>> The company I work for (GFU Cyrus Cologne, http://www.gfu.net) has been
>>> organising inhouse corporate IT seminars as well seminars in our Cologne
>>> premises for 25 years, in various programming languages and IT topics.
>>> Python has lately proved an outsanding choice when teaching programmers to
>>> move quickly from traditional technologies to object oriented design, but
>>> also a very convenient language for introducing beginners to the art of
>>> programming as such. My point is to write an article analyzing and
>>> justifying  the Python syntax from the point of view of teaching techniques
>>>  as (ethically correctly) compared to  other currently more widespread
>>> programming languages.
>>> The "Education" section in the success stories page seems to mean rather
>>> "python based software applied to education", whereas the GFU activities
>>> would rather go under a section  "Didactics of informatics" or  "IT Teaching
>>>  techniques" .
>>> a) Is it possible to add such a section and  the success stories page?
> The master copy of the stories is at http://pythonology.org/success
> and there is information about writing one here:
> http://pythonology.org/successguide
> I'm not completely sure what you plan to write makes sense in this
> context but it would probably be reasonable to at least link to it
> from somewhere on python.org or in the Python wiki.
> As far as the categories on python.org:  They certainly can be changed,
> though let's wait to see if this is even appropriate as a "success
> story".
>  b) Is there a reStructuredText template for writing a success story?
> There isn't a template but if you do decide to write it up as a success
> story please structure the story similar to the others.  You can get at
> the ReST formatted stories through the story distribution service:
> http://pythonology.org/success&help=1
> Here is an example:
> http://pythonology.org/success&rst=gravityzoo&noheader=1
> Please let me know if you have any questions.
> --
> Stephan Deibel
> Director
> Python Software Foundation
> http://python.org/psf
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