[python-advocacy] Notes from OSCON (July 2007)

David Goodger goodger at python.org
Thu Sep 20 17:34:33 CEST 2007

Below are notes I took at OSCON in July.  They've been sitting in a
file for too long; time to let them out.  There are lots of good ideas
here.  Most did *not* come from me, but I didn't record many names.

We had two Birds of a Feather sessions, one specifically on advocacy
(intended perhaps to coordinate advocacy *at* OSCON, but not much
happened), and one on general Python topics.  Also I had conversations
with individuals.

-- David Goodger

Advocacy BoF (2007-07-23)

Present: David Goodger, Mike Pittaro (SnapLogic), Kevin Altis, Stephen
Li (Motorola), Jason Kirtland (Portland PUG), Mike Biglan, Steve
Wagner, Suran Thrift

* conferences will give free booth space to dot-orgs

* Python as "secret weapon" -- unknown? -- lots of code out there

  - s/b advocate's focus?

* flyers & materials for conferences

* Python: clean simple powerful agile readable maintainable
  (a lasting & wise investment)

* ILM -- sponsor PyCon 2008?

* stickers -- multiple slogans, colors

  - Python programmers having fun

* cheat sheet

* core message -- use Python: Why?

* target audience

  - programmers - convert
  - managers - interest
  - newbies/students - choose
  - teachers - lesson plans

* advocate has to have a positive $ effect

  - spend $ to get $

* "Who else uses Python?"

* awareness

* branding -- push to corporations

* Motorola -- limited power, memory.  Pointed to Nokia S60 work.

* success stories -- promote more.  What is compelling?  Special?

* literature -- consumable, well written

* pay PR/marketing?  expensive

* HP/Compaq sponsor?

* "Python is like the shy kid who has been living on the block for 10
  years but nobody knows him."

* home page rotation -- dynamic

  - monitor/measure click-throughs -- analysis

* feedback form on website

* improve docs -- pay for Django docs?

* 5 minute demos

  - "wow"
  - showmedo
  - 10 topics
  - be inclusive
  - don't alienate projects not chosen

* best of lightning talks on showmedo?

* python web development page

* wsgi -- roll into Apache's std. dist (+ mod_python)

* need ambassador to Apache?  (Greg Stein?)

* Trac -- killer app

* donation push

* PyCon session: develop strategic vision for Python & PSF

  - spread the word
  - share the language, share the love

* PyCon blog: fee structure -- transparent

* CS majors in Chicago -- free registration in exchange for
  volunteering -- write up key points in lightning talks

* record/capture lightning talks

Hallway Track

* Mark Shuttleworth via Kevin Altis: Python should be emphasizing Zope
  to the enterprise


Notes for 2008 etc.

* conferences will give free booth space to dot-orgs

* OSCON proposal submission -- announcement was late

* Kevin Altis led Python track for OSCON -- lack of feedback

* proposal info ready by end December

* proposal submission system Jan-Feb

* focus: tutorials & top sessions

Python BoF (2007-07-25)

* counter negative snake stereotypes -- embrace the snake

  - pythons have no teeth

* perception of lack of Python programmers

  - counter with training creative programmers in 1 week

* "Code smackdown"

* prototyping -- the freedom to throw away code

* "scripting language" vs. interpreted

  - Python is an application language, vs. C/C++/Java/C# which are
    system languages

* concurrency projects:

  - BBC/Chameleon
  - Hive
  - shared memory module for Python?
  - SQLite queues (in memory)

* "It's not the language, it's the library."

* monkey patching -- seen as both good & bad thing -- embraced in Ruby

I asked "What can the PSF do for you?  (users groups, advocacy, etc.)"

* links to T-shirts

* speed up wiki & pypi

* what are the benefits for non-US/NA (i.e. international) PSF

* "Python software disorganization"

* booth at OSCON

  - local volunteers
  - PSF should fund people for booth?

* training

  - fund training materials development (1 day, 3 day, 1 week courses)
  - put videos on YouTube etc.?

* certification

  - sells Python classes
  - sells managers on Python
  - exams
  - getting managers on board is hardest
  - certification is proof to managers that "Python is real"
  - required for enterprise acceptance
  - helps cross enterprise barrier
  - without certification, perception is "you're on your own"
  - "You can't cross the barrier to the enterprise without addressing
    the mediocracy."
  - docset navigation

* "Java is the defective ... *de-FACTO* standard language" -- Mark

* incubator (like Apache)

  - like RubyForge
  - umbrella organization for projects to mature
  - end goal: stdlib inclusion or "blessed" 3rd party status
    (stamp of quality; reference/benchmark)
  - cheese grater
  - community rating? -- weighted -- rating per release -- reset on
    major release to remove stigma of early bad release
  - PSF blessing/vetting -- but not enough bandwidth/interest
  - how to delegate trust?

* promote Cheese Shop

* application index (as opposed to package/module index)

* promote docs.python.org

  - as searchable (if it isn't already, make it searchable)
  - further separate manuals for easy searching?  i.e. stdlib, stdref,

* i18n of stdlib text

* unittest needs reworking

Van Lindberg 2007-07-26

Certification via apprenticeship:

* akin to SoC -- master class

* close bugs

* demonstrate deep knowledge

* rework a stdlib module that needs it

* review code

* community benefit

* Dive Into Python as core of certification course?


* Coverity -- David Maxwell

  - code static analysis tool/service
  - offering for CPython
  - currently run on head -- add branches too?
  - customized builds?

* IEEE: Python 2 to 3 story?

* OpenSolutionsAlliance.org: PSF as "friend" member?

  - goto Community -> OSCON
  - suitetwo.com

* PSF could ask for sponsors for specific projects

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