[python-advocacy] A Couple of Browser-Related Additions to www.python.org

Jeff Rush jeff at taupro.com
Sun Sep 9 08:36:29 CEST 2007

Things have been awfully quiet in here...  Just FYI, I've added a couple of
somewhat advocacy-related features to the Python website.

First is an expansion from one to seven of the RSS feeds advertised, and
displayed in your browser as a drop-down list from your browser URL input box
of bookmarkable feeds.  For a brief guide to how to add them to your browser
and what the various feeds are, you can watch this 12-minute screencast:


but essentially here are the feeds listed:

   1. Community Events (news listed on frontpage of www.python.org)
   2. Python Recipes from the Cookbook
   3. Usergroup News
   4. Python Screencasts (from showmedo.com)
   5. Python Podcasts (from Python 411)
   6. News from the Python Software Foundation
   7. Python Enhancement Proposals

I'd hoped to have a feed for watching the bug tracker but apparently that does
not yet have an RSS feed capability.

The second feature is OpenSearch.  Some of you may not be aware of OpenSearch
but it is a way of putting links into your pages that point to search filter
descriptions that can be installed into a visitor's browser to enhance the
browser search input box.  I've added filters for:

   1. Search under the www.python.org Domain
   2. Search within the Python Wiki
   3. Search within Python Books at Google Book Search
   4. Search within the Python Documentation
   5. Search for a Module in the Standard Library
   6. Search for Packages inside the Cheeseshop (PyPI)"
   7. Search Archives of the Main Python Mailing List

I couldn't find a meaningful search expression for the bug tracker, that was
of general use.

I've put up a 7-min screencast outlining these filters as well but it isn't
yet approved by the showmedo.com staff.  When it is, you can find it at:


I hope these are useful and suggestions of additional feeds/searches or
improved search filter expressions are very welcome.  The next screencast will
be a guided tour of the available Python mailing lists, for those unaware of them.


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