[python-advocacy] lean py in 3 min

Roy Smith roy at panix.com
Thu May 3 19:24:25 CEST 2007

> Each day (maybe only M-F), be introduced to some small little
> factoid that takes about a min to read, and maybe another min
> to ponder, and in some cases a 3rd to play with at the >>> prompt.

Other than us geeks, most people don't want to learn a language for the
sake of learning a language, they want to do it because it lets them get
something done.  Which means they need practical examples of how this can
apply to their  Day Job.  And, therein lies the rub.  Examples will always
be in some specific domain.

An example which is interesting to a molecular biologist (how to use
Python to retrieve a sequence from Genbank and translate it into amino
acids) will be both unintelligible and boring to a astro-physicist.  And
vice-versa for how to use Python to compute galactic coordinates.

It might be useful to have a whole series of these:

Python in 5 minutes a day for the molecular biologist
Python in 5 minutes a day for the astro physicist
Python in 5 minutes a day for the web designer
Python in 5 minutes a day for the unix sysadmin
Python in 5 minutes a day for the HD-DVD cracker :-)

well, you get the idea.

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