[python-advocacy] lunch with a manager

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Sun Mar 25 17:48:35 CEST 2007

I was having lunch with the owner of a 20 employee company (so like a manager..) 
and the topic of programing languages came up.  "I hear python is good.  Why 
should I send the 6 people who do some programming (currently Informix and php) 
to Python training?"  So now I needed to justify it, which this time wasn't too 
hard, given the relation I had with this guy.  weather it happens or not is to 
be seen, cuz there are other factors (none of the 6 are just programmers, they 
manage servers, ship equipment, talk to clients, spec out 30 page equipment 
lists, etc.)  so I can understand if the 'tech manager' nixes the idea.

But it got me thinking, "how can this be optimized?"  What if I had just met 
this guy, and only had 5 minutes to "sell him"?    That isn't enough time to 
"land the fish" but it is enough to "set the hook."

I looked over python.org from the viewpoint of someone who wasn't sold on 
python, but was interested.

The front center P that includes "... can be learned in a few days. Many Python 
programmers report substantial productivity gains..." is good.

http://www.python.org/about is pretty good, but I think it may be a good idea to 
  distill it into a 2nd page that is higher level - that caters to an audience 
that would stop reading when they hit "strong introspection capabilities" (2nd 
bullet of p.o/about)

I am thinking maybe a new URL, like whyPython.org, that I can put on a business 
card, or scribbled on a napkin.  The content would be limited to answering that 
question. It could have different sections targeting different audiences.  Once 
someone was 'sold' they would never hit this site again.

Now to go eat and see if this still seems like a good idea on a full stomach.

Carl K

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