[python-advocacy] Creating a PSF license option for Google Code

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Wed Mar 21 07:48:55 CET 2007

In a message of Wed, 21 Mar 2007 10:43:09 +1100, "Tennessee Leeuwenburg" writes
>I created a new project today at Google Code. I thought it might be pretty
>cool to include a 'python software foundation' license option. This would
>allow python project developers to choose a license they know will be
>compatible with Python core, which may be an important consideration.
>Perhaps also Google SoC submissions should use this also?

Please remove this.  The PSF does not accept submissions under the PSF
license into the Python core.  see: http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSoftwareFoundationLicenseFaq
for why developers for whom this is an important consideration should use
the Academic Free License or the Apachee 2.0 license instead.

Laura Creighton

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