[python-advocacy] what made you take py seriously?

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Mon Mar 12 03:00:58 CET 2007

Brad Allen wrote:
 > At 12:21 PM -0600 3/9/07, Carl Karsten wrote:
 >> So the sad thing is, it took me running into something 'too hard' for
 >> me to
 >> learn what I needed to then actually respect Python.  And then it
 >> wasn't the
 >> 'hard stuff' that turned me on, it was how 'nice and easy' things
 >> really are.
 >> (the problems twisted and generators solve are hard; I am not
 >> suggesting the
 >> solutions could have been done any better.)
 > Hey, that's a good testamonial. Have you considered posting that to a
 > blog? If you do, I will link to it from digg.com and see if anybody else
 > notices it.
 > I wonder if there is a list of links to Python testamonials somewhere.
 > This kind of posting is not as high profile as what might go in the
 > success stories, or the "what they are saying" page at Python.org.  It
 > would be useful to build a collection of such of links for use by Python
 > advocates...maybe this is the kind of thing that could go on
 > advocacy.python.org.

I don't have any blog going right now.  I could create one just to host this 
post, but that doesn't seem like a good idea.  If there is a place to collect 
things, feel free to cut/paste it or point me to it.

I think it is worth poling people to see what things had to be in place to make 
the light turn on.  we may see some trends that are low hanging fruit that we 
just didn't know where there.

What if 40% said "I thought it was too slow, but when forced to use it for so 
and so realized that it was much faster than I thought."  My reaction would be 
"we need to start doing something to show how fast py is."  Which would then be 
a new challenge: how do we do that?  But it would be a narrower problem than 
"How do we promote python?"

Carl K

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