[python-advocacy] Best place for Python code hosting

Ian Ozsvald ian at showmedo.com
Fri Jun 15 13:01:06 CEST 2007

Re. WebFaction - we happily use them for ShowMeDo.com, Remi (the host) is
a great chap, quick to respond and happy to help.  He's also just 'up the
road' from us in London so offers better support hours for Europeans than
US hosting.

Just this week we've had some database stability problems but Remi and I
are working on them and I expect them to be fixed soon - this is the
*first* stability issue we've had in our 6 months at WebFaction so I'm
quite happy to recommend WebFaction.  It is nice to be able to trust my
host to get things sorted and to talk me through what's going on.

Contrast this to *some* commodity hosting companies and the lack of
support you can be faced with...

Remi does still offer open-source hosting, he just took down the public
announce as too many people setup free hosting accounts and never used
them - leaving him with a support headache.

He's very approachable and very pro-Python, I encourage you to have a chat
with him if you're at all interested.

My 2p,

http://ShowMeDo.com/about (our pictures)
Ian at ShowMeDo.com

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